
Don't Sleep

2024年1月17日 — Don't Sleep for Windows. Free. In English; V 2.74. 3.9. (31 ).

Don't Sleep 9.47 免安裝中文版

2024年2月1日 — 預防電腦休眠的軟體- Don't Sleep,可以預防電腦自動關機、待命、休眠、關閉電源、重新啟動,特別是Windows 7/Vista在執行一些老舊程式的時候,會有 ...

Don't Sleep 9.51

Don't Sleep is a free portable app to prevent system shutdown, standby, hibernate, turn off, and restart. Don't Sleep is especially useful with old programs ...

Don't Sleep Download Free

Download Don't Sleep - Don't Sleep is a small portable program to prevent system shutdown, Standby, Hibernate, Turn Off and Restart.

Don't Sleep for Windows

Don't Sleep is a very simple program that stops your computer from going into sleep, power-saving mode, or performing any other action resulting from ...

How to adjust power and sleep settings in Windows

To adjust power and sleep settings in Windows 11, select Start > Settings > System > Power & battery > Screen and sleep. Screen: Select how long you want ...

Windows 10 is Not Going to Sleep

2022年1月13日 — In this article, I will show you 4 ways you make your computer go to sleep again so it consumes less power. How to Fix Windows 10 PC Not Going ...


將滑鼠移至 螢幕左下角,然後以滑鼠右鍵按一下[開始Windows或按鍵盤上的標誌鍵+ X。 點選或選取關閉或登出, 然後選擇休眠。 · 從螢幕右邊緣向內滑動,然後點設定。 (如果您 ...


2024年1月17日—Don'tSleepforWindows.Free.InEnglish;V2.74.3.9.(31).,2024年2月1日—預防電腦休眠的軟體-Don'tSleep,可以預防電腦自動關機、待命、休眠、關閉電源、重新啟動,特別是Windows7/Vista在執行一些老舊程式的時候,會有 ...,Don'tSleepisafreeportableapptopreventsystemshutdown,standby,hibernate,turnoff,andrestart.Don'tSleepisespeciallyusefulwitholdprograms ...,DownloadDon'tSleep-Don'tSleepisasmallpor...

Don't Sleep 9.63.1 防止電腦待機或關機的小工具

Don't Sleep 9.63.1 防止電腦待機或關機的小工具
